Clarecastle Tidy Towns!!!!

Published on September 29, 2023

Clarecastle Tidy Towns were surprised and delighted to receive an invitation to this years National Tidy Towns Award Ceremony.  It is the first time Clarecastle have been invited to the ceremony .  Clarecastle re-entered the National competition in 2011 and since then have steadily increased our marks from 250 in 2011 to 345 in 2022 .  We also submit several entries annually  in the special awards category.  So we will travel to the Ceremony in Croke park hoping that we feature in the prizes .  The Tidy Towns Competition is a competition  for the entire community along with our strategic partners and service providers, not just the small team of  CC TT volunteers and we wish to express our sincere gratitude all those groups and individuals who have assisted in any way over the year!!!