No active community can survive without volunteers. We are blessed in the parish of Clarecastle/Ballyea to have many committed and enthusiastic parishioners who give of their time and energy across the year. Here are some of our local parish and community groups, with contact details.
Apostolic Work
Phone: 087 648 5930
Phone: 065 683 8080
Apostolic Work was founded in Belfast in 1923. Its objectives are to share in the missionary apostolate of the Church…
Ballyea Pastoral Council
Mr Tom Sweeney
You can contact the Ballyea Parish Pastoral Council by writing to the Council c/o Fr. Pat Malone.
Parochial House, Church Drive, Clarecastle, Co. Clare.
The current chairperson for Ballyea Pastoral Council is Tom Sweeney. You can contact the Parish Pastoral Council by writing to…
Baptism Preparation Team
Mary Lynch and Mary O’Gorman are members of the Faith Development group, who form the parishes Baptism team.
The Sacrament…
Clarecastle Pastoral Council
Mr P.J. Garry
You can contact the Parish Pastoral Council by writing to the Council c/o Fr. Pat Malone.
Parochial House, Church Drive, Clarecastle, Co. Clare.
The Clarecastle Parish Pastoral Council meets monthly. The current chairperson is Mr P.J. Garry. You can contact the Parish Pastoral…
- Eucharistic Adoration
Faith Development Group
Cora Guinnane, Gerard Lynch, Gabrielle Lynch, Ada Power, Eileen Fahy & Declan Hogan.
Members of the Faith Development Group
Mary Lynch and Mary O’Gorman
The Baptism Team and are also part of the Faith Development group.
The Faith Development group is a working group of the Parish Pastoral Council. Our role is to maintain and develop…
Flower Arranging
A dedicated group of local ladies provide floral arrangements to enhance the quality of our liturgy, and the beauty of…
Legion of Mary
Phone: 065 682 8248
Phone: 065 683 8176
The Clarecastle branch of the Legion of Mary, holds it meetings in the little Chapel inside main door of Church…
Liturgy: Ministers of the Eucharist
Clarecastle rota
Phone: 086 054 3114
Ballyea rota
Phone: 086 161 6260
The parish of Clarecastle has a rota of Ministers of the Eucharist who serve the community at all celebrations of…
Liturgy: Ministers of the Word (Readers)
Phone: 086 054 3114
Phone: 086 354 1068
The parish of Clarecastle has a rota of Ministers of the Word, who proclaim the Scriptures at weekend and other…
Medjugorje Prayer Group
Meets on the first Monday of the month in Clarecastle Day Care Centre at 8p.m.
Music Ministry: Parish Choirs
We are lucky enough to have music at all our weekend celebrations of Eucharist.
If you are interested in joining…
Pioneers Association
You can contact the local branch of the Pioneer Association via Brendan L, c/o Fr Brady.
“The Pioneer Association… -
Ena Higgins
Please contact Ena before or after mass in Clarecastle
The Sacristan of the church of Ss Peter & Paul in Clarecastle is Ena Higgins.
What is a Sacristan: The…
St Vincent de Paul Society
Local Branch
Phone: 085 737 8605
Limerick - Mid West Office
Ozanam House, Hartstonge Street, Limerick
Phone: 061 317 327
Email: [email protected]
You can contact the local Clarecastle branch of SVP by dropping a note into the box in the church porch…
- Ballyea Community Pre School
- Ballyea Women’s Group
- Clarecastle Abbey Hall Committee
Clarecastle Community Development
Following a Public Meeting held in May 2011 where ideas were put forward to develop the village of Clarecastle and…
Clarecastle Community Playgroup
Phone: 085 785 8350
We are located at the Old National School, Clarecastle, Co Clare.
Clarecastle Daycare Centre
Anne or Trish
Phone: 065 684 2457
Clarecastle Day Care Centre is a centre for the elderly within a ten-mile radius of Clarecastle. Clients are collected on an…
Clarecastle Old School (1935)
The old school house was built in 1935 and is still a great resource for the community. It is hired…
- First Steps – Montessori Pre-School
- Ladybird Lane Creche
- Speech & Drama Group
St Francis Credit Union
Click on the link to read more about St Francis Credit Union here.
Ballyea GAA
Pat Moylan
G.A.A. (Senior Club)
Gerry Murphy
G.A.A. (Minor Club)
Kathy McCabe
- Ballyea Set Dancing
- Ballyea Tae Kwan Do
- Ballyea Youth Club
Clarecastle/ Ballyea Comhaltas
Phone: 065 682 9412
For information and a warm welcome – contact Mick.
Comhaltas, Clarecastle/Ballyea – click HERE
Comhaltas, Clare –… -
Clarecastle GAA
Community Games
Phone: 087 238 9388
Noelette 086 407 7098
Phone: 086 407 7098
The Clarecastle/Ballyea Community Games group can be contacted by phoning Liz or Noelette above.
You can read more about Clare…
- Fern Celtic Soccer F.C.
- Manus Soccer Club
- Music Classes
- Music, Jazz & Tap Dancing
Primary School Parents Association
Clarecastle primary school parents association: You can read about our group and its activities HERE. You can visit the…
Rowing Club
A Currach rowing club located in Clarecastle, Co. Clare. Founded on the 30th of April 2010.
Scouts, Clarecastle
You can contact the Clarecastle branch of Scouting Ireland at the local Scout Hall.
Details of the Clarecastle group… - Set Dancing
- Speech & Drama Group
Tidy Towns Committee
Phone: 087 202 2778
You can find out about our work HERE.
more about this group
- Walking Club