Bereavement Group
As we approach the joyous season of Christmas, we are mindful that for some among us, this time may be marked by a deep sense of loss and sorrow.…
As we approach the joyous season of Christmas, we are mindful that for some among us, this time may be marked by a deep sense of loss and sorrow.…
Support Services available over Christmas
Your GP/Mental Health Team
Make contact with your own GP or Mental Health Team and let them know what’s
on your mind.
Shannondoc Out of Hours GP Service 0818 123500
Mass will take place at 7pm on Thurday December 7th 2023
There is no Mass on Friday evening as the mass which was to take place has been re-scheduled
Christmas Carol Service
Will be held in Ballyea Church on Wednesday December 20th at 7.00pm
All of Ballyea Church music groups and children…
For paid up members to the Church Fund will take place on Sunday 17th Dec.
Míle Buíochas to all our contributors.
Church clean
Pre-Christmas cleaning of Ballyea Church will take place on Tuesday Dec. 12 @ 7.00pm Just need to…
Ennis West County Hotel
Monday 11th, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th December 2023
4.50pm – 8.10pm
New Donors welcome at all clinics
Please call 1800 222 111 for appointment