
Ballyea and Clondegad GAA

Published on June 4, 2020

Ballyea and Clondegad GAA are running a 48 hour exercise relay starting Friday 5th of June at 6pm and finishing on Sunday evening 7th of June at 6pm. We are asking all our members and extended family and friends to carry out some form of exercise in 30 minute consecutive slots over the 48 hour…

Message to 6th Class Students

Published on May 22, 2020

22/5/2020:  Wishing all our Sixth Class students in Ballyea and Clarecastle every joy and blessing on this day, which was to be your confirmation day . Have a good day. See a message from Fr. Pat Malone on our facebook page: Message to 6th Class 2020

Message for Exam Students

Published on April 17, 2020

Students: Our thoughts and prayers are with the students among us, who are preparing for examinations at this time.  Firstly we wish all who are sitting third level examinations at present, or who will do so in the next few weeks, may the work you have put into your studies during the course of the…

Confirmation 2020

Published on April 17, 2020

Confirmation: As of the present, we have not cancelled Confirmation.  We will wait to see what decision is made by the authorities as to what will be permissible after May 5th.

First Communion 2020

Published on April 17, 2020

First Communion: Regrettably, First Holy Communion in the parish will not now go ahead on the dates previously arranged.  It is not possible yet to set dates for the Holy Communion ceremonies.  Apologies to our young people who are preparing for the sacrament, for the disappointment they feel with this announcement.  We will have a…


Published on April 17, 2020

Míle Buiochas: We wish to acknowledge the contributions that we received from parishioners during the week for church funds and priests collections.  Thank you for your support. Contributions can be dropped into the parochial house or parish office or by post if people wish to make them.

Anniversary Masses

Published on April 17, 2020

Anniversary Masses: Anyone who wishes to have anniversary masses said for their relatives and friends during this time, and are happy to join the mass on the parish radio link or on webcam, can arrange same by contacting the parish office on 065-6823011

Easter Message 2020

Published on April 11, 2020

Easter Message: Easter 2020 will be an Easter that will always be remembered by people who lived through that time. There is self-isolation, cocooning, physical distancing, restricted visits out of doors, all in the public interest and in the interests of public health. Abiding by these restrictions is how we can best exercise our Christian…

Fitness for Fun for Over-50s

Published on April 11, 2020

Fitness for Fun for Over-50s – Exercise class online with John Conroy next Tuesday, 14th April at 10am on Facebook. Fundraiser for Clare Suicide Bereavement Support Telephone 087 3698315 or 086 0565373.

|ALONE COVID-19 Support Line for Older People

Published on April 11, 2020

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People ALONE has launched a national support line for older people who have concerns or are facing difficulties during COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance. Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, Telephone 0818 222 024.